SS8_AT(3)                        Ssstr Manual                        SS8_AT(3)

       ss8_at,  ss8_front, ss8_back, ss8_set_at, ss8_set_front, ss8_set_back -
       read or modify a single byte in an ssstr byte string

       #include <ss8str.h>

       char    ss8_at(ss8str const *str, size_t pos);
       char    ss8_front(ss8str const *str);
       char    ss8_back(ss8str const *str);
       ss8str *ss8_set_at(ss8str *str, size_t pos, char ch);
       ss8str *ss8_set_front(ss8str *str, char ch);
       ss8str *ss8_set_back(ss8str *str, char ch);

       ss8_at() reads the byte at position pos in the  ss8str  pointed  to  by
       str.   Behavior is undefined unless str points to a valid ss8str object
       and pos is less than the length of the string.

       ss8_front() and ss8_back() read the first and last byte,  respectively,
       in  the  ss8str  pointed  to  by str.  Behavior is undefined unless str
       points to a valid ss8str object whose value is non-empty.

       ss8_set_at() sets the byte at position pos in the ss8str pointed to  by
       str,  to ch.  Behavior is undefined unless str points to a valid ss8str
       object and pos is less than the length of the string.

       ss8_set_front() and ss8_set_back() set the first and last byte, respecā€
       tively,  in the ss8str pointed to by str, to ch.  Behavior is undefined
       unless str points to a valid ss8str object whose value is non-empty.

       ss8_at() returns the byte at position pos of the ss8str at str.

       ss8_front() returns the first byte of the ss8str at str.

       ss8_back() returns the last byte of the ss8str at str.

       ss8_set_at(), ss8_set_front(), and ss8_set_back() return str.

       ss8_copy_substr(3), ss8_replace(3), ssstr(7)

SSSTR                             2023-12-30                         SS8_AT(3)