SS8_INIT_COPY(3)                 Ssstr Manual                 SS8_INIT_COPY(3)

       ss8_init_copy,         ss8_init_copy_cstr,         ss8_init_copy_bytes,
       ss8_init_copy_ch, ss8_init_copy_ch_n - initialize an ssstr byte  string
       from a string or characters

       #include <ss8str.h>

       ss8str *ss8_init_copy(ss8str *restrict str,
                             ss8str const *restrict src);
       ss8str *ss8_init_copy_cstr(ss8str *restrict str,
                             char const *restrict src);
       ss8str *ss8_init_copy_bytes(ss8str *restrict str,
                             char const *restrict src, size_t len);
       ss8str *ss8_init_copy_ch(ss8str *str, char ch);
       ss8str *ss8_init_copy_ch_n(ss8str *str, char ch,
                             size_t count);

       ss8_init_copy()  initializes  the ss8str object that str points to, and
       sets its value to a copy of the value of the ss8str object at src.  Be‐
       havior  is  undefined  unless str points to an invalid (that is, unini‐
       tialized or previously freed) ss8str object and src points to  a  valid
       ss8str object.

       ss8_init_copy_cstr()  initializes the ss8str object at str and sets its
       value to a copy of the null-terminated byte string  src.   Behavior  is
       undefined  unless  str  points to an invalid ss8str object and src is a
       null-terminated byte string.

       ss8_init_copy_bytes() initializes the ss8str object at str and sets its
       value  to  a copy of the byte string of length len located at src.  Be‐
       havior is undefined unless str points to an invalid ss8str  object  and
       src points to an array of at least len bytes.

       ss8_init_copy_ch()  initializes  the  ss8str object at str and sets its
       value to the string consisting of the single byte ch.  Behavior is  un‐
       defined unless str points to an invalid ss8str object.

       ss8_init_copy_ch_n()  initializes the ss8str object at str and sets its
       value to the string consisting of count copies of the byte ch.   Behav‐
       ior is undefined unless str points to an invalid ss8str object.

       All 5 functions return str.

       ss8_copy(3), ss8_destroy(3), ss8_init(3), ss8_init_move(3), ssstr(7)

SSSTR                             2023-12-30                  SS8_INIT_COPY(3)