SS8_LEN(3)                       Ssstr Manual                       SS8_LEN(3)

       ss8_len, ss8_is_empty - query length of ssstr byte string

       #include <ss8str.h>

       size_t ss8_len(ss8str const *str);
       bool   ss8_is_empty(ss8str const *str);

       ss8_len() queries the length of the ss8str pointed to by str.

       ss8_is_empty()  tests  whether  the  ss8str pointed to by str is empty,
       that is, has a length of zero.

       For either function, behavior is undefined unless str points to a valid
       ss8str object.

       The length of an ss8str is stored explicitly and is not affected by the
       byte string it contains.  Specifically, if the byte string contains em‐
       bedded  null bytes, its length will differ from what strlen() would re‐
       turn when called on the equivalent string.

       ss8_len() returns the length, in bytes, of the string at str,  not  in‐
       cluding  the  null  terminator  that  would  be part of the string when
       viewed as a null-terminated byte string.  Any embedded  null  bytes  in
       the string do not affect the length.

       ss8_is_empty() returns true when str has a length of zero; otherwise it
       returns false.

       ss8_capacity(3), ss8_set_len(3), ssstr(7)

SSSTR                             2023-12-30                        SS8_LEN(3)